Sabtu, 11 September 2010

Bezoar Mustika Pearl ?

What Are Bezoar Stone And Mustika Pearls ?

Bezoars stone is a natural Phenomenon found in the digestive systems of animals / humans. Bezoars stone formation through the coating, layer by layer for a long time period. Technically referred to as the establishment of the autoimmune process, in order to protect the body from a substances that are not necessary, but difficult to remove. It is quite possible that coated by the organic silica / quarts are substances horn / hair / eyes, minerals or metals (Mn, Cu, Zn, Al) which is an element that could not be digested from the remaining food. The Metal elements which in turn makes the colors on the stone bezoars pearls.
Mustika pearls are form like a crown or horn etc, which are not possessed by other similar animals. There has been no final word from either research institutions or individuals. why the phenomenon happens?, but it could be answered by one question: why “tribal chief” of a group of monkeys seemed to have the decoration on his face,  like a lighter color, a specific section of the face more prominent, longer fangs etc. How this phenomenon could be explained naturally?  Is an authority, responsibility or even superiority can make changes as above. Who knows?
In plants the phenomenon occur on the same principle, if you knows the tree “Gaharu”, a tree could release a very strong fragrance  if infected / accidentally infections by other  or substances that interfere trouble to the tree of life. This means that if a tree feel disturbed, it will release the sap (or in human white blood) with strong  fragrance.
In nature Mustika for example “Mustika Thunderbolt” It happened because of Bogor city, Indonesia is the second after Brazil with a bolt of thunder hit numerous in the world, because there is metal deposits underneath the content. Each bolt will form stone element called the “teeth gledek” [tooth of thunder).
In the 10th century until the 15th, European (Portugesse, France, Italy etc) was believed that bezoar pearl to be an antidote against poison, they was wear it as a pendant on a necklace or ring which is immersed in the food / beverage for neutralized the poison.
Due to the above terms, our supranaturalist / shamans, they was believed, as we  are, That bezoars stone are blessing magickal energy, frequency / vibrant and power metaphysical Also contain the essence / signature of the source and Likewise they are. 
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Phyton Snake Pearl

Phyton  Snake Pearl Symbolized of Goddess of energy and She will protect you from negative entities and bless power of renewal, powerful  healing, creativity, physic intuitive, Life harmony, at once strength and grace, prosperity, long life, attract luck, love and sex,  Increase Physical appearance, Charisma, ritual work to explore mysterious, voyage where you have never gone before, third eye Spiritual manner development, Increase sensitivity third eyes, open point of asma, rebirth, wisdom, fluidity, look for transition-changes-opportunity,business development. Fit for business
What things are surfacing that you need to strike out and take advantage of? Perhaps a time to rest and reflect?

Shark Pearl

Peaceable predator. Inspiring observation and understanding. Honing the senses. The ceaseless journey-maker. Power and authority. Tendency towards workaholicism. Protection in all worlds. The predatorial subconscious. Resistance to change.
General Description:
The shark is an oceanic, streamlined fish with cartilaginous skeletons. They are highly adapted to hunting other fish and aquatic species. They have 5-7 gills, rows of sharp, replaceable teeth, and keen senses (particularly the olfactory, audio and electromagnetic senses).
Sharks don’t have sea bladders like other fish, and sink if they don’t keep swimming. They are mostly ‘ever moving’, though some will rest on the sea-floor. Sharks are usually solitary, though some species will be very social. Some give birth to live young, others lay eggs. In our society the shark evokes irrational fear for many, leading to their widespread slaughter. They are also captured for medicinal and culinary purposes. Sharks have been known to kill human, with some species being more likely to prey upon humans than others.
Lessons and Challenges:
When shark comes into our lives, it inspires observation and understanding. The shark sends very clear signals to other fish, letting them know when it is peaceable, or predatorial. They understand her signals and interpret them accordingly. Shark teaches us how to read others effectively, but also how to give off very clear signals that cannot be misunderstood by others. It is about learning how to invite others when necessary, and how to establish boundaries. It also teaches us how to consciously let others know when we may be angry, or not pleasant to be around, for their own protection and to give them a chance to remove themselves from our presence.
Shark teaches us how to hone our senses. We might be someone who considers ourselves alert, but it is important that we get a sense of precision with our sight, smell and touch. Shark lets us understand also that our senses mean nothing if we interpret them incorrectly. Senses are useless if we are not paying attention to them, or ignoring ‘warning bells’.
The shark is a ceaseless journey-maker. Shark lets us know that all the ups and downs are not over, and in fact may never be over. We must learn how to adapt to constant hardship, or to constant pressure and stress; this is a natural part of our lives. Shark teaches us to learn how to nourish ourselves and ‘relax’ during times of stress, rather than always waiting for the mythical time of ‘when it’s over.’
Significantly, even shark’s behaviour can show us exactly how to relax and care for ourselves during times of stress. It lets other fish and creatures of the ocean look after it when it opens up its personal space and communicates that it’s safe to be around. Likewise we might respond to massages, or opening up to friends, or letting ourselves follow relaxing, tactile pursuits.
Shark has a natural power and authority in the environment in which it is comfortable. Shark reminds us that it is important to show that we have power, and that we can fight for what we want, and not back down. It is not a showy or arrogant power fuelled with insecurity, it is a steely and resolved power.
The shark implies protection in all worlds. As a guide, this creature lends it’s strength and ability to negotiate all otherworldly paths to us.
It is important to realise that we have a dark side; it might be our shadow self, or our subconscious, or whatever term fits your worldview, but there is a part of ourselves which is predatorial even though we may seek to deny it. It is there, and part of our struggle is to integrate and assimilate what might seem ruthless and bloodthirsty. Shark helps us to understand and embrace our predatorial subconscious.
Shark will often come into a person’s lives to give a metaphorical kick up the backside. It doesn’t hurt to sometimes be a workaholic or apply yourself diligently to the work you care for. Life doesn’t stop and shark tells us that neither should we. Shark energy can be a real motivator against laziness, but only if you let it.
Shark as a guide, reminds us that sometimes change is not good or appropriate, and that we must be resistant to change in order to preserve something about our lifestyle that is inherently ours. Sometimes this might come in the form of resisting the changes that others impose upon us, so that we might make the changes in our life that are right for us. Other times it might come in the form of resisting an environmental change, or a lifestyle change, that threatens to compromise our safety and internal growth. Shark comes into our life to tell us that change for the sake of change is useless, especially when you are already onto a good thing in your lifestyle.
Shark is the peaceable predator, it is a fierce hunter who is easily able to cruise gently and quietly with its prey. Shark understands the oceans, and the way inter-relationships work, and is not too hostile, nor too inviting. Shark teaches us that it is possible to be innately predatorial and seek what we want, without alienating our friends, family and the energies in our environment. This is a very important lesson for many, but also a difficult one, which may be why many people are frightened of shark or resent its energy.

Red Cobra Snake Pearl

Red Cobra Snake is a venomous snake belonging to the family elapidae. The name is short for cobra de capelo, which is Portuguese for “snake with hood”, or “hood-snake”.[1] When disturbed, most of these snakes can rear up and spread their neck (or hood)
Red Cobra Snake - 135 B

Symbolized of Goddess of energy and will protect you from negative entities and bless power of renewal, powerful  healing, creativity, physic intuitive, Life harmony, at once strength and grace, prosperity, long life, attract luck, love and sex,  Increase Physical appearance, Charisma, ritual work to explore mysterious, voyage where you have never gone before, third eye Spiritual manner development, Increase sensitivity third eyes, open point of asma, rebirth, wisdom, fluidity, look for transition-changes-opportunity,business development. Fit for business

What things are surfacing that you need to strike out and take advantage of? Perhaps a time to rest and reflect?

Bezoar Mustika Pearl

King Dragon Crown Symbolized  the great instinct power of Healing, Peaceful, Life harmony, at once strength and grace, prosperity, long life, attract luck, love and sex,  Increase Physical appearance, Neutralize negative entities, Charisma, ritual work, third eye Spiritual manner development, Increase sensitivity third eyes, open point of asma, business development. Fit for business.